- news story: The Argentine film "Extraordinary Stories" was directed by Mariano Llinas. The film tells about the lives of three people coming together. While it may be good if you are fluent in Spanish, it is hard to understand in english, even with subtitles.
- median age: 30.5 years
- life expectancy: 77 years
- ethnic groups: white, mestizo
- languages: Spanish, Italian, English, German, French
- religions: Roman Catholic, Protestant, Jewish
- government: republic
- GDP: $15,854
- Quality of Life: 40
- Peace Index ranking: 71
- Failed States Index ranking: 149
- Sports: soccer, pato, golf, polo
- natural hazards: earthquakes, windstorms, flooding
- natural resources: fertile plains, lead, zinc, copper, pertroleum
Argentine soccer team |
Argetina's flag |
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